hello again... it's been awhile. there's been a lot going on. sorry for the delay. i did get married, went on a honeymoon, and have been traveling so i think i deserve an excuse. haha.

we are in nagoya japan at the moment. tonight is our last show here in japan until august when we return for
summersonic. it's been great here as usual as the japanese crowds have been very warm and inviting, except for the occasional drunk yank. sm barely made our first show in tokyo the other night as he had some problems with his flight from the us. he arrived at the club 5 minutes before we were to go on. it didn't seem to make a difference as we had a great show.
we can't wait to get back to the states in a couple days and are very excited to be playing our first shows in the us in over 10 years. pomona here we come! never thought i'd be saying that! ha.
ok, below are some setlists for you... see you all soon!
tokyo #2

tokyo #1

studio coast tokyo...

zepp osaka!

on stage in osaka at 6pm!

hanshin tigers osaka...

fried chicken place in nagoya!

love the group shot in front of the tigers mascot statues. love that i will be seeing pavement one more time before the end!
Dear Spiral:
I'm the fan who hand in the cardboard for SM to sign on it in Tokyo on April 8 (your seceond show in Japan). Thanks for your help to getting this mission impossible for me (you get it and hand to SM), and I'm really appreciated it.
I flied thousnads of miles (from Taiwan to Japan) to see your reunion tour. It's been a long long wait and I'm so happy that such a dream comes true.
Hope some other day you can tour Taiwan as well. there are tons fo fans waiting here!
Terence Chen
Hey Spiral - looking forward to seeing you guys in Pomona!!! Thanks again for gettin' back together, even if it's for awhile.
Hi Spiral,
I think I might be the 'drunk yank' from the osaka show. Sorry, but my enthusiasm got the best of me. Nevertheless, it was my bachelor party and I really appreciate the drumstick. it made my night.
What I was trying to tell Steve is that the Korean kids he played with in Seoul have played with me off an on for some time, and he's a legend here, as the peninsula doesn't get much tour traffic. My friends and I came from Seoul for the show and you guys made it worth it. Thanks a lot.
you deserve to get the autograph, chen.
congrats on your wedding, spiral! could see a beautiful photo on lulu's blog.
thanks for the setlists all the time, was glad you guys played starlings.
and your watching hanshin's game is lovely! the chicken, is called tebasaki.
i'll never forget the night i saw you living legends. thanks indeed for your reunion & coming back to japan & coming back again to japan for summersonic! whoa! have safe flights all around the world. take care!
Hi Spiral! This is Randy from CHACHI. We're looking forward to meeting you at the Fox in Pomona this Thursday!
I was a girl wearing a t-shirt with Wowee Zowee cover on it at the Osaka show,
in about a third row. I flew all the way from Korea, and I am actually quite
surprised to see another fan from Seoul who did exactly the same thing (though
I'm guessing he might be an expat).
Spiral, I don't think you remember but we actually talked for a second - I
randomly shouted "WESTIE CAN DRUM" and you actually answered back "YES HE
That totally made my day. No, my entire LIFE. I still feel that it was the most
surreal moment I've ever had in my whole life.
(I wanted to shout some other random things as well but since my voice was so
small compared to those western guys shouting lyrics from Home and Linden
Lions, I just gave up after a couple of attempts)
I really wanted to chat with you guys after the show or even get an autograph or
something (I actually brought with me an out-of-print Pavement album I found at
the second-hand record shop in Manchester to get your autographs on - 'Brighten
the Corners with Stereo and Shady Lane, Special Edition' released by Domino
Records - I was so happy to find it last year during my euro-trip) but then you
guys just disappeared right after the show ended. Maybe I should have carried a
cardboard with me like that Taiwanese fan from the above comment did. I
haven't been to that many shows before in my life so I didn't have any idea of
what to expect from a gig like this. HAD I KNOWN.
Ah, and another funny thing that happened is that I got my camera confiscated
right after I took a full shot of you - before that I took about 7 shots, but they
were all badly shaken because it was done so stealthily. Got my camera back at
the entrance.
Anyway, I was just happy to see you guys alive and well and enjoying yourselves
onstage, though right after show I felt certain void in my mind that I cannot touch
you guys, have you guys all to myself or anything. But now I am very much the
happiest girl on the entire planet. You guys have been a favorite band of
mine ever since my highschool years (which is 2006), and it was such a pleasure to see you guys right in front of my eyes. Thank you for such a precious memory, and again thank you Spiral for responding to my random shout.
I hope you guys play a couple of shows in Korea someday. There are tons of kids just like me. Well have a good night. Or an afternoon in wherever you are at the moment. You guys are and forever will be my all-time heroes.
Dear Spiral,
I was a girl wearing a t-shirt with Wowee Zowee cover on it at the Osaka show, in about a third row. I flew all the way from Korea, and I am actually quite surprised to see another fan from Seoul who did exactly the same thing (though I'm guessing he might be an expat).
Spiral, I don't think you remember but we actually talked for a second - I randomly shouted "WESTIE CAN DRUM" and you actually answered back "YES HE CAN"
That totally made my day. No, my entire LIFE. I still feel that it was the most surreal moment I've ever had in my whole life. (I wanted to shout some other random things as well but since my voice was so small compared to those western guys shouting lyrics from Home and Linden Lions, I just gave up after a few attempts)
I really wanted to chat with you guys after the show or even get an autograph or something (I actually brought with me an out-of-print Pavement album I found at the second-hand record shop in Manchester to get your autographs on - 'Brighten the Corners with Stereo and Shady Lane, Special Edition' released by Domino Records - I was so happy to find it last year during my euro-trip) but then you guys just disappeared right after the show ended. Maybe I should have carried a cardboard with me like that Taiwanese fan from the above comment did. I haven't been to that many shows before in my life so I didn't have any idea of what to expect from a gig like this. HAD I KNOWN.
Ah, and another funny thing that happened is that I got my camera confiscated right after I took a full shot of you - before that I took about 7 shots, but they were all badly shaken because it was done so stealthily. Got my camera back at the entrance.
Anyway, I was just happy to see you guys alive and well and enjoying yourselves onstage, though right after show I felt certain void in my mind that I cannot touch you guys, have you guys all to myself or anything. But now I am very much the happiest girl on the entire planet. You guys have been a favorite band of mine ever since my highschool years (which is 2006), and it was such a great pleasure to see you guys right in front of my eyes. Thank you for such a precious memory, and again thank you Spiral for responding to my random shout.
I hope you guys play a couple of shows in Korea someday. There are tons of kids just like me. Well have a good night. Or an afternoon in wherever you are at the moment. You guys are and forever will be my all-time heroes.
Dear Spiral:
Show in Brazil, please!
Why is Nasty wearing an LSU hat???
The anticipation for All Tomorrow's Parties is all but killing me.
Hoping to see Transport Is Arranged or Type Slowly - although I feel it just ain't gonna happen. Not that that's a major concern I guess - the set-lists from everywhere else look great!
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