hanging out in the old hometown of stockton... yesterday we went to one of the greatest mexican restaurants in the world... el novillero in sacramento. many a meal was consumed here in the early pavement days! we're off to dublin in a few days to start the euro tour. it's been a nice break, but been practicing some new songs and also spiral stairs songs for the two shows in the uk. here we come!

"but been practicing some new songs..." songs from the pave canon? or true new? inquiring minds want to know!
I'm guessing you're practicing some new "old Pave" songs? :P ;) I didn't kno you were such a foodie till I saw ur blog.
yes, inquiring minds want to know!
AT&T, Newark Wilder, Fillmore Jive, Baptist Blacktick, Black out, We Dance, Same Way of Saying, Painted Soldiers, Ann Don't Cry, Recorder Grot, For Sale: The Preston School of Industry, Platform Blues, Perfect Depth, Greenlander, Strings of Nashville, Mussle Rock (Is a Horse in Transition), All my Friends, Jackals False Grails The Lonesome Era, Kentucky Cocktail, Golden Boys, I Love Perth, Our Singer, Fin.
Hope you guys can play any of these songs. I'm really excited to see you guys live in Berkeley. You rock Spiral! lovin' the blog.
I'll try myself something between wishful thinking and hard guessing:
Fillmore Jive is what's really missing. Plus Raft or Picket Fence.
Wowee Zowee era: Painted Soldiers, Serpentine Pad, Half a Canyon, AT & T, maybe Motion Suggests
Brighten era: Transport is Arranged, Blue Hawaiian, Westie Can Drum, Winner of the, and man, Harness Your Hopes!!
And as regards TT, which you guys don't really seem to like, one or two more would make it, perhaps Platform Blues or You Are a Light.
I'll see you in Barcelona, keep going the awesomeness!
sorry... some old pavement songs. thanks for the requests.
Can't wait to hear what's being added to the setlist. A wishlist:
1. Half A Canyon... just rocks.
2. Fillmore Jive ... never quite understood why this song disappeared from the setlist in the mid-90s and didn't seem to reappear. Everyone knows this song by heart. The ultimate set closer.
3. Nail Clinic ... I always thought this song would make a great surprise encore, maybe with the houselights turned on. Probably too obscure.
4. I'd love for one of the NYC shows to start the way did at the Webster Hall show I saw in 97... She Believes/Conduit for Sale/In the Mouth a Desert/Here. Thought She Believes/Conduit was such an awesome combo.
At any rate, it's all good and I just want them to play the songs they're into. I don't want them already tired of the reunion and of the songs by the time things really get going in the states.
two great No Cal shows! I'm so glad Gary came to Berkeley since it seemed cut short in Stockton and it was awesome how you sacrificed yourself upon the alter of his kit to encourage him to end.
You guys look like you're having SO much fun, it's AWESOME to watch! Thanks!
Hi Spiral I finally listened to the reel feel album and I likes...As a matter of fact there's nothing playing at the moment so I'll give it another spin.. ahh.. Does the band know how many tickets are sold for their shows in real time? I've always wondered if musicians have access to this kind of information or if the ticket companies heavily guard this sort of info.
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