last night we played our first show in over ten years. and yes we were seriously nervous! the show was great. the fans were unreal. whew... all those pavement anxiety dreams can now go away! auckland was great. we had an amazing time the few days we were here. good weather and good people. the 3d's opened and rocked us into
outer space. above is the pre show photo op. below is a few photos from the night. and the setlist...

auckland town hall...

our rules.

sm played here instead of hexx because he didn't have his glasses on.
Awesome setlist! Can't wait for the Central Park shows in September!! Thank you guys for getting together and making this happen. You are making many, many people very, very happy.
Shame about the lack of 'Terror Twilight' songs here. Hopefully by the time you get round to coming back to England they'll have wormed their way into the setlist...
Hey Spiral - I got into Pave's music the year AFTER you guys disbanded, so this is a real treat to see you guys play again for my first time eva!!! Can't wait to see you guys in CA!!! Please, please, please add on more shows in Cali if you can! :D
WOW. im still kind of in disbelief but these photos and my ticket stub are proof it happened. id quite like yesterday to happen again x
Cannot wait for Friday night in Sydney.
That playlist replicated then (with a second encore?! :) , would be brilliant
Was a fun night thanks for coming down
Hey spiral - glad you had a great time at the show in auckland last nite - the floors were bouncing! funnily enough i met steve m at the kings arms gig the day before - didn't know who he was but had a nice chat about kids and video game addictions...i was there with my son to check out my old flatmates greta and dave from superette who did a great set - say hi to steve from leanne and thanks for a great show.
play in Austin
I only just now realised that I will have to miss your Melbourne show (which I went to great expense to secure tickets for) because I'll be in Adelaide for something important that night. I am crushed. You will notice the absence of a naked woman in the front row of your performance. You will think of this as you gaze out on the crowd - where is that naked woman? She was going to be me. (I am currently a clothed man. I was willing to transform for you.) I guess that's all. Sigh.
That was amazing bro, thanks so much. I'm stoked SM wasn't wearing his glasses - "Here" was great despite unplannedness.
You guys were awesome, thanks for a fantastic gig!
My thots: http://spatulaforum.blogspot.com/2010/03/concert-review-pavement-aucklamd-march.html
I just saw a youtube video on your show. Fucking amazing, I'll be at Coachella. Slanted and Enchanted was released the year I was born, so I never got a chance to see you guys, however I've been a fan since I started listening to real music age 13 or so. You guys changed my life. It's going to be unreal, thank you for getting back together.
Hey Scott, super awesome show and thanks for coming down to NZ
Thanks so much Spiral and the rest of Pavement, you couldn’t really have improved on the set-list.
Been a fan since I was 14 when I first listened to S + E, that was 17 years ago, never seen you guys play until last night.
That album had a huge influence on me and is still my favourite of all time, just gutted I wasn’t at The Kings Arms so I could have bought you all a drink.
I feel Bob’s pain re his beer loss...! Good luck for the rest of the tour!
Hey Spiral,
Thanks to you and the rest of Pavement for an absolutely fantastic show last night. I was at the front with three Americans, and at least two of us had flown in especially to be there at the reunion gig.
You might be surprised to hear that there were quite a few nerves in the crowd – in fact I've never been at a gig so loaded with emotion and expectation. It was amazing for me, thinking of all that's happened in my life since I last saw you guys play (London, November 1999).
See you in Sydney on Thursday. Hope you'll play Type Slowly, Harness Your Hopes, Loretta's Scars, oh and Debris Slide, Pueblo, Frontwards, and, er... I'll shut up now.
Thanks again. Amazing amazing night.
ask yer sound guy to turn down the bass, couldnt hear #$%#$ over the distorted mess.
Hey Spiral, stoked to hear the first Pavement show went well and was even more stoked to recently read that you are a Fremantle Dockers fan! Seen Pavement 3 times in Perth in the past, even being lucky enough to be at the Club Original show when Gary Young was still in the band. Just wanted to mention that the venue for Perth (Metro City) isn't the greatest unfortunately and thus my anticipation for the show is tempered by the fact that the venue blows. I heard ticket sales weren't exactly going nuts and wondered if a switch to a smaller venue was being considered? Anyhow, regardless of what happens I'm sure the show will be great and I am looking forward to the gig next Monday.
Looking forward to seeing you on Monday.
I don't wanna be the "play this, play that" guy, however having 'I Love Perth' rehearsed and ready for an encore would be a bonus
keep the TT songs out of the set!
only kidding, get golfing young man x
Welcome back!!! Can't wait to see you in May!!
Really really cool.
Rock N Roll is back!! Awesome setlist.
by any chance we are allowed to tape your shows?
Oh man oh man oh man. I seriously cannot wait. I'm so ramped up for NYC!!! Have fun out there!
Please, I beg of you, schedule some more U.S. West Coast dates. Specifically, an Arizona show would be bueno.
Play more shows in CALIFORNIA!!!
Play more shows in CALIFORNIA!!!
Play more shows in CALIFORNIA!!!
Play more shows in CALIFORNIA!!!
Play more shows in CALIFORNIA!!!
Play more shows in CALIFORNIA!!!
That is all, thanks :D
You guys have to come to Argentina!!! Are you at least thinking on a southamerican tour? Please! we're dying to see you guys around here. =D
Very excited for the NY shows. When I tell my 22 year old asst that I saw Pavement a bunch of times he looks at me like I saw The Beatles. So I'm taking him.
Hey, Scott.
Can't wait for you guys to come to Brisbane. Love the set list, especially "Father to...".
If you get a chance, can you pass on to Mark I. that Scott Grice said hello and will hopefully catch up with him at the show.
Take care,
Thankyou for such an amazing gig! I shed a tear when the crowd sung along to Gold Soundz. Beautiful.
Sou brasileiro, e gostaria muito ter um show de voces aqui em sao paulo, suas musicas influenciaram uma geracao. Boa sorte e esperamos voces aqui!!
Love the fact the dude forgot his glasses and played Here instead. My favourite song ever!
howdy, been a huge fan since 93 or so...buying all the reissues with extras i already have, to be supportive. So excited you guys are doing some shows this year! never thought that would happen.
i know people from all over are probably bugging you guys to come to their town, but i'm a bit surprised to
see no So Cal dates. us 30-somethings who have been long time fans are probably not going to do the indio thing...wait all day in the desert for one band with a
short set. i know, selfish, but i always felt pavement music had california written all over it. unfortunately, your tour schedule doesn't really. you guys can surely fill up the El Rey no problem for
several nights. I'm sure there's a reason why no dates in LA or OC, just can't imagine what that would be....in the meantime we'll patiently wait, fingers crossed. i hope i don't sound like a jerk. your music has been very important to me. thank you.
Hey, Just walked out of your extremely expensive Sydney show. You must still be on stage right now. I first saw you in Paris (1994?) and a couple of times since then. Always great. But you were lo-fi back then. Do us a favour and ditch your sound guy, ditch the 12 mics around your drum kit, ditch all the compression (ESPECIALLY on the snare), ditch the second mic on every amp and try to remember back when you didn't care about all that shite. People liked you back then. They'll still like you if you play lo-fi now. Don't try to sound like the foo fighters or the smashing pumpkins.
this is so unreal. cant wait for brixton, roskilde, øya and central park. take care and see you may 11th!
I know everybody does this crap, but please play Dallas or somewhere in Texas...Dallas/Ft Worth is the 4th largest metroplex in the US. As of now, I will be driving to Kansas City, 8 hrs away, happily...but keep in mind there are ~6 million potential Pavement fans in D/FW.
I didn't think it was possible to be more excited than I already was! I'm seeing you guys in Tokyo on April 8th, and the anticipation is killing me. You know, years after I discovered Pavement, I found out that one of my father's co-workers grew up with you. So really, we're pretty much related.
Hi Scott,
I just want to thank you for the 2 amazing shows you guys put on in Sydney. It seems like forever ago that I last saw you play the powerstation in Auckland and the expectation and nerves in the crowd were massive by the time you hit the stage on Thursday. I was front center both nights and cant begin to describe how euphoric it was.
A big thanks as well for helping out the Philippinos, they were over the moon to be up the front the second night. To say you have some lifelong friends there is an understatement!
All the best,
This is so exciting to see the legendary Pavement reunited. You guys bring a lot of people a lot of happiness. Rock On, Muddafuggahs!
Thank you, Thank you, thank you! And Hey Spiral I met you at the very 1st PSOI show in Austin at Stubb's BBQ we talked for quite awhile about Pavement and PSOI you guys have always done really well in Austin so why no Texas shows? We southerners love you guys just as much as them foreigners and damn yanks do if not more! So I'm not asking if but when the Texas shows will be???? BTW I already ordered QTP.. (Cant wait!!)
Hi, thank you very much. good job.
A Cheap Drum sets is a groups of drums, cymbals and frequently other instruments, such as cowbells, wood blocks, triangles, chimes, tambourines, organized for suitable playing by a individual (drummer). The term "drum kit" first developed used in the 1800’s.
Hey ! From La Feline Bar in Paris ;) Hope we won't wait for 10 years before seeing you again ! Thanks for your gig in Paris, that was great !
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